What Are the Different Types of Deadbolt Locks?
Understanding Different Types of Deadbolt Locks for Your Home Security
Whether renting an apartment or purchasing a home, it's essential to have the best security locks for your living space. Among the various types of door locks, deadbolts are among the most common and trusted in residential settings. This article will explore different types of deadbolt locks and their uses to help you make an informed decision.
Single Cylinder Deadbolts
Single-cylinder deadbolts are the most popular type for residential homes. These locks feature a key cylinder on the exterior and a twist knob on the interior. The lock is activated by turning the knob from the inside or using a key on the outside. While convenient, this lock can be vulnerable if the door is near a window, as an intruder can easily reach inside and turn the knob. For added security, it’s best to avoid placing these locks near accessible windows.
Double Cylinder Deadbolts
Double-cylinder deadbolts offer added security because they require a key on both sides of the door. This eliminates the risk of an intruder breaking a window near the door and reaching in to unlock the deadbolt. However, in emergencies, such as a fire, the need for a key to exit can be problematic. It’s crucial to weigh the security benefits against the potential emergency risks.
Mortise Deadbolt Locks
Mortise deadbolts are a robust and durable option. These locks require a rectangular space, or mortise, to be cut into the door. They typically come with a spring latch attached to a handle, which is retracted when the handle is pulled. Mortise deadbolts are known for their strength, earning a high safety rating from locksmiths. However, the installation process can weaken the door’s frame over time, so it’s important to consider the long-term durability.
Keyless Deadbolt Locks
Keyless deadbolts operate without a traditional key. Instead, they feature a keypad on the inside of the door, requiring a code to unlock it. This type of lock is convenient because it eliminates the need for keys and allows you to change the code if necessary. It’s ideal for those who want added convenience and don’t want to worry about losing keys.
Smart Deadbolt Locks
Smart deadbolts are the latest innovation in home security. They can connect to your Wi-Fi or a smart home hub, allowing you to control the lock remotely via your smartphone. Some smart locks integrate easily with your existing deadbolt, while others require a more extensive upgrade.
Locksmith Services for Deadbolt Installation and More
If you need expert advice or lock installation, Sherman Oaks Lock & Safe is your go-to locksmith in Sherman Oaks. Our specialists are available for 24/7 emergency service, free estimates, and consultation on lock security.
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